Miércoles, 20 Noviembre 2019 07:48

In pursuit of the mechanisms that explain anxiety

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A University of Cordoba researcher analyzed how metacognitive beliefs and emotional dysregulation determine symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Miércoles, 16 Octubre 2019 13:47

Competitive people are more prone to drug consumption

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A Psychology research team at the University of Cordoba studied how personality influences substance abuse among young people

Miércoles, 23 Enero 2019 12:02

They are not rebellious or misunderstood

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Three University of Cordoba researchers have developed an instrument that reveals adolescence to be a stage of considerable well-being, disproving the myth that it is a period of angst and insecurities

Being a teenager is compatible with feeling good and being satisfied within the context in which one lives and with one’s personal relationships. It could be said that adolescence is a stage at which happiness levels are high and, generally speaking, individuals feel good. These statements sound strange since adolescence is usually associated with facing several risks and insecurities, and during which teens feel like “the whole world is against them” and they commonly complain that “no one understands them.”


The Universities of Cordoba, Jaen and Seville have developed and assessed the program called “Asegúrate” [Take care of yourself] designed to modify negative online behavior, and have proven that it reduces bullying by close to 20%. 

Misinformation and lack of supervision when using the internet and social media is leading to an increase in cyberbullying among teens. In addition, there are the phenomena of addictive behavior and sexting (sending messages with erotic or sexual content via mobile phones or social networks). Correcting this kind of behavior is what concerns teachers and the scientific community, who are intent on finding the best way to put a stop to it.

Research performed by a team at the School of Education at the University of Cordoba shows an indirect relationship between empathy and the development of prejudices by means of personality and ideological attitudes
This is a subject that is hard to define and harder still to conceptually frame as the subject of a study, due to the overlap with other traits like emotional intelligence or kindness. According to some theories, it is roughly “putting yourself in another person’s shoes.” University of Cordoba Education Professor José Luis Álvarez Castillo defines empathy as “the ability to see things from another person’s perspective from a cognitive and emotional point of view.” That is to say, to imagine and understand other people’s beliefs and opinions and experience their feelings and emotions, understanding and feeling the world through their eyes.

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