Project DESIRA aims to understand the social and economic impacts of new technology on forest, agricultural and rural sectors and what possible future scenarios will look like

The study was performed by a research team at the University Research Institute into Fine Chemistry and Nanochemistry at the University of Cordoba and Seville's Institute of Natural Resources and Agrobiology of the Spanish National Research Council

Jueves, 05 Noviembre 2020 07:16

Gèant Project | A network to interconnect European research

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The Géant project provides European educational and research communities with the necessary connectivity to share, access and process large volumes of data

A University of Cordoba and University of Cambridge study analyzed what factors in childhood and adolescence increase the likelihood of having violent behavior in adulthood

Project TAO seeks to create an infrastructure network, based on the action of local entities, to monitor the biodiversity in the Tropical Andes

A University of Cordoba and Spanish National Research Council research team validated an indicator based on using a tree's temperature to calculate relative water consumption at an almond tree plantation

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