This workshop will focus on general aspects of scanning probe microscopy on nanochemistry. We will have the participation of several speakers to evaluate new horizons using this technique.
9th International Workshop on Microwave Discharges: Fundamentals and Applications, from Monday 7th t
Escrito porCall for papers to the workshop
International Workshop on Biorefinery of lignocellulosic materials
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In this workshop of Biorefinery of Ligenocellulosic Material, University of Córdoba would like to invite researchers to submit original research in order to deepen the knowledge of bio-refinery based on lignocellulosic materials
John Passioura urges biologists , physiologists and agronomists to scientifically cooperate in order
Escrito porThis Australian researcher offers a seminar in the School of Agricultural Engineering and Forestry of the University of Cordoba
18/09. Remote sensing based water and energy fluxes estimation in a enchanging enviroment
Escrito porWorkshop in Córdoba, Spain
El Grupo Español de Tumores Endocrinos financia un trabajo del Instituto Maimónides
Escrito porEl equipo investigador liderado por Justo Castaño obtiene una beca de 20.000 euros para investigar los marcadores moleculares que permitan el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de tumores neuroendocrinos