Page 59 - Geopolítica del Mundo Actual. Una Visión Multidisciplinar
P. 59

Cultura de Paz, Conflictos, Educación y Derechos Humanos
factors and key holder in reducing turmoil when there is friction in relations between states, because each of them pursues their national interests. In the context of Indonesia-Australia relations, Indonesia is a developing country that has an important meaning for Australia. Indonesia has value for Australia not only economically, which is a market share, but also in terms of security. As a bordering country, Indonesia, which is a maritime country, is a buffer for Australia in securing its region. Military cooperation between the two countries during this time has shown this. Therefore, Indonesian maritime security is also very important for Australia.
The sovereignty of a state is a crucial thing and concerns the dignity of a nation. Nevertheless, Indonesia-Australia relations are unique and always
experience ups and downs. After examining and analyzing situation faced by Australia and Indonesia, it can be concluded that mutual interests and interdependence are the important factors that can reduce tensions between two countries. In foreign relations between Indonesia and Australia, one finding that can be concluded is the fact that the two countries have been in conflict from time to time, but both countries tend to be pragmatic. Australia cannot ignore the fact that Indonesia is important in maintaining regional security, which also has an impact on its internal security. In addition, there are also various benefits in the economic field achieved by the country in its cooperation with Indonesia.

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