Martes, 19 Octubre 2021 08:28

Comics and Brochures Help Spread Oncological Knowledge

One of the designs made in the project One of the designs made in the project

The University of Cordoba’s 'Text, Science and Translation (HUM-947)' research group is working on a project that translates and adapts texts oncancer-related scientific advances for non-expert readers

In the sphere of translation and interpretation there have been numerous studies ofthe different fields of medicine and translation in them. More specifically, certain lines have been defined regardingdoctor-patient communicationsthrough brochures and comics. There is still one, however,that has not been thoroughly explored: that combining the translation and adaptation of highly specialized biomedical texts for patients and their loved ones. This is how the Galileo "Onco-TRAD. The Language of Cancer: Translating for Patients and Their Loved Ones"project came about, which aims to translate and adapt specialized texts on scientific advances related to cancer for patients and those close to them, with graphic medicine functioning as a tool for the dissemination of scientific knowledge.

The project has been carried out by the University of Cordoba’s 'Text, Science and Translation (HUM-947)' research group,demonstrating how highly specialized texts can be translated and adapted to a language and a format that is understandable forand accessible by those who should be the targets of such information: patients. "It arose from a need I detected, first-hand, with the aim of being able to help other patients", explained Principal Investigator Ingrid Cobos López. "Our main aim is to be able to transmit all these scientific advances on cancer to an audience, patients and their family and friends, so that they can understand them and, in turn, so that thisserves to prevent the disease," she added.

This is a UCO-Social Innova project that has lasted two years (2018-2020), during which the results have been presented. "It beganat the officesof oncologist Juan de Las Habas, where we realized that we could convey that scientific knowledge, the latest advances in medicine regarding cancer, to non-experts," explainedCobos López. Onco-TRAD' is an interdisciplinary project in which medicine, translation and art are placed at the service of cancer patients by selecting, translating, adapting, illustrating, formatting and disseminating the latest advances on this disease so that it can be accessed in a clear and user-friendly way.

The results of the project have not only been the adaptation of the scientific texts, but also "the involvement of Translation and Interpreting degree students, whose Final Projects and curricularinternships made it possible to successfully complete the study,"Ingrid Cobos explained.

At this time the 'Text, Science and Translation (HUM-947)'research team has applied for another project within the framework of the Andalusia FEDER R&D program, with which they intend to continue translating and adapting the texts forpatients.

Cobos López I. (2021). La medicina gráfica como herramienta para la traducción y la adaptación de textos biosanitarios Graphic Medicine as a Tool for the Translation and Adaptation of BiomedicalTexts. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana de Traducción, (Latin American Translation Journal) 14(2), 397-426.

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