A University of Cordoba study analyzed degrees of acceptance, popularity and friendship at different stages of victimization in the field of school bullying

Project FRAMING CLIL combines gaming, language and mathematics integrated learning in the design of a videogame for learning how to work with fractions

The SOSTRA Project created a digital learning process based on badges that accredit the skills that those working in adult education should have

The BOOST project is working on a European social and emotional learning program aimed at training Primary Education teachers

Miércoles, 20 Noviembre 2019 07:48

In pursuit of the mechanisms that explain anxiety

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A University of Cordoba researcher analyzed how metacognitive beliefs and emotional dysregulation determine symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Miércoles, 16 Octubre 2019 13:47

Competitive people are more prone to drug consumption

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A Psychology research team at the University of Cordoba studied how personality influences substance abuse among young people

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